This election has been exciting! I have had so much fun checking out the candidates and what they stand for, what their plans are and just what they will try to do to turn America around! I think they both have good qualities, and it will be so exciting the next couple of months! I have definately learned that I am an independent !!! :)
It has been fun to be a part of this historic election.....
Cute background girl!
I know one thing about the election this year... it is going to be GOOD! We are making HISTORY right now... and time will tell how it is goes. I just hope who ever is Elected.... does a better job than the last 8 years.... and we end this War and bring our troups HOME!
You are one smart cookie! I'm so bad when it comes to stuff like this! I need to be better at reading up on things. I guess I'm just optomistic that whoever is elected will take us in the right direction. It's either going to get better or much worse!
Either way we are DOOOOOOMEEDDDD!! Good thing I did not registar on time!! haha
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