Friday, September 5, 2008

Election fever!!

This election has been exciting! I have had so much fun checking out the candidates and what they stand for, what their plans are and just what they will try to do to turn America around! I think they both have good qualities, and it will be so exciting the next couple of months! I have definately learned that I am an independent !!! :)
It has been fun to be a part of this historic election.....


DeBrat said...

Cute background girl!
I know one thing about the election this year... it is going to be GOOD! We are making HISTORY right now... and time will tell how it is goes. I just hope who ever is Elected.... does a better job than the last 8 years.... and we end this War and bring our troups HOME!

Nikki said...

You are one smart cookie! I'm so bad when it comes to stuff like this! I need to be better at reading up on things. I guess I'm just optomistic that whoever is elected will take us in the right direction. It's either going to get better or much worse!

Jake & Britt said...

Either way we are DOOOOOOMEEDDDD!! Good thing I did not registar on time!! haha